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Найдено печатных изданий: 1

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Kapterev A.I., University-business cooperation in the Russian labour market: trends, challenges, road maps. [the monograph] — 2016

Kapterev A.I., University-business cooperation in the Russian labour market: trends, challenges, road maps. [the monograph] — 2016

The monograph, based on specially developed sociological tools, analyzes the current situation in University-Business Cooperation (UBC) at Russian universities, their interaction with labour market, the existing problems at different levels: national, regional, corporate, and presents the author's views on the ways of their solution. This book sums up the experience and best practices of cooperation of universities and employers in some European countries. Some annexes present the Model Act (Law), which was approved by the C.I.S. member states Parliamentary Assembly, as well as a glossary of key concepts in this area. The volume is addressed to English-speaking readers interested in the understanding the Bologna process in the Russian Federation.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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