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Найдено печатных изданий: 1

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Lawrence F., Not On the Label. what really goes into the food on your plate — 2004

Lawrence F., Not On the Label. what really goes into the food on your plate — 2004

Felicity Lawrence's Sunday Times bestseller Not on the Label, updated with extraordinary new material on the horsemeat scandal In 2004 Felicity Lawrence published her ground-breaking book, Not on the Label, where, in a series of undercover investigations she provided a shocking account of what really goes into the food we eat. She discovered why beef waste ends up in chicken, why a single lettuce might be sprayed six times with chemicals before it ends up in our salad, why bread is full of water. And she showed how obesity, the appalling conditions of migrant workers, ravaged fields in Europe and the supermarket on our high street are all intimately connected. Her discoveries would change the way we thought about the UK food industry for ever...

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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