Лински Х. А., Исчезновение Элис Тил — 2022 (Trendbooks thriller)
Холодным весенним вечером Элис Тил ушлa из школы. С тех пор ее не видели. Элис многие любили. У нее были парень, друзья, семья. Но каждый из них хранил свой секрет. Кто-то явно заинтересован в том, чтобы правда об исчезновении Элис Тил открылась... Кто-то, пожелавший остаться анонимным... Кто-то, отправивший в полицию дневник Элис... Какие страшные тайны Элис Тил доверила своему дневнику? Почему она исчезла?
Eriston is a small town. It's the kind of place where everyone knows your name—and your secrets. Rebecca hasn't been back in years, but she grew up in the shadow of the dark local legend. There have always been deaths in Eriston — more than can easily be explained. People dying in their houses, behind locked doors. Her father Sean had always warned her of the dangers. Don't let him in. When Rebecca returns, she discovers that her father wasn't willing to let the legend lie. He was on the verge of uncovering the town's darkest truth.He thought he was on the trail of a killer. Sean knew too much. Now he's dead.
Alice Teale walked out of school at the end of a bright spring day. She's not been seen since. Alice was popular and well-liked, and her boyfriend, friends and family are desperate to find her. But soon it's clear that everyone in her life has something to hide. Then the police receive a disturbing package. Pages from Alice's precious diary. Who could have sent them? And what have they done with Alice?
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