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Lomas R., Turning the Silimon Key. decoding the Masonic symbols and history of Washington DC — 2009

Lomas R., Turning the Silimon Key. decoding the Masonic symbols and history of Washington DC — 2009

Blake set George Washington the job of embedding the secrets of the Masonic Solomon Key into the new republic. This book explains how Bro George used the rituals of Masonic Astrology to create an enduring inspiration for his people.The theory of Masonic astrology, deduced from studying the work,life and writings of George Washington, explains a mechanism by which the bright birth-star which nurtured a baby—s brain as it was forming, when it moves back near the Sun, can resonantly tickle that person's neurons to create sources of inspiration and creativity.The builder of Washington DC knew a great secret about the human condition. In this book, Scientist and Masonic Expert Robert Lomas explains exactly what it was.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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