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Lowry L., The Giver  2014

Lowry L., The Giver 2014

Jonas lives safely within the community, a place where there is no war, no hunger and no pain. But when he is selected as the Receiver of Memory, he starts to discover dark secrets that lie beneath the surface of his perfect world. Secrets that will lead him to undertake an incredible journey...


Lowry L., Les idees folles d Anastasia  1985

Lowry L., Les idees folles d Anastasia 1985

Le hros de ce livre, c'est un petit carnet vert, une sorte de journal intime, noirci de listes de tous genres, qu'une petite fille de 10 ans remet jour consciencieusement. Rien de bien original, semble-t-il? Mais Lois Lowry n'en est pas  son coup d'essai et l'on ne s'ennuie pas une seconde la lecture de ce roman o l'on retrouve le style alerte, la sensibilit et l'humour qui nous avaient charms dans Un t pour mourir et La longue qute de Nathalie. Les vnements plein d'imprvus se succdent un rythme endiabl et les ractions d'Anastasia ne se font pas attendre: versatile, drle, emporte, un jour amoureuse, le lendemain catholique! (pour faire partie d'un club!) ou bouleverse par la disparition de sa petite verrue ros, elle sait galement tre lucide et grave et nous tient au courant de ses sautes d'humeur en nous donnant accs aux pages de son prcieux carnet. Une famille non conventionnelle (pre: professeur et pote, mre: peintre), la coexistence de la vie et de la mort, l'atmosphre chaleureuse sont autant de dnominateurs communs l'oeuvre de l'auteur.


Lowry M., Under the Volcano  1985

Lowry M., Under the Volcano 1985

Geoffrey Firmin, a former British consul, has come to Quauhnahuac, Mexico. Here the consul's debilitating malaise is drinking, and activity that has overshadowed his life. Under the Volcano is set during the most fateful day of the consul's life--the Day of the Dead, 1938. His wife, Yvonne, arrives in Quauhnahuac to rescue him and their failing marriage, inspired by a vision of life together away from Mexico and the circumstances that have driven their relationship to the brink of collapse. Yvonne's mission is to save the consul is further complicated by the presence of Hugh, the consul's half-brother, and Jacques, a childhood friend. The events of this one day unfold against a backdrop unforgettable for its evocation of a Mexico at once magical and diabolical. Under the Volcano remains one of the most powerful and lyrical statements on the human condition and one man's constant struggle against the elemental forces that threaten to destroy him.


Grady W., The Penguin Book of Canadian Short Stories  1984

Grady W., The Penguin Book of Canadian Short Stories 1984

The short story has developed into Canada s healthiest and most versatile literary genre. Several Canadian novelists - Morley Callaghan and Hugh Garner, for example - are better known abroad for their short stories than for their novels. And many of Canada s best authors write virtually nothing but short stories: Mavis Gallant, Norman Levine, Alice Munro, W.D. Valgardson, and others.


Lowry M., Under the Volcano  1977 (Penguin Modern Classics)

Lowry M., Under the Volcano 1977 (Penguin Modern Classics)


Lowry M., Ultramarine  1975 (Penguin Modern Classics)

Lowry M., Ultramarine 1975 (Penguin Modern Classics)

Ultramarine is the story of Dana Hilliot's first voyage, as mess-boy on the freighter Oedipus Tyrannus bound for Bombay and Singapore: of his struggle to win the approval of his shipmates, trying to match their example in the bars and bordellos of the Chinese ports while at the same time remaining faithful to his first love, Janet, back home in England. Alternating between Dana's own narrative and the ribald humor and colorful language of the sailors' conversation, Ultramarine depicts a boy's initiation into the company of men


Lowry M., Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friends is Laid  1975

Lowry M., Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friends is Laid 1975

Dark As the Grave Wherein My Friend is Laid was Malcolm Lowry's last book. It is an autobiographical novel of Lowry's return to Mexico to look for his friend Marquez. The main character, an alcoholic writer, has problems finishing his books and with his publishers


The Penguin Book of Modern British Short Stories  2011

The Penguin Book of Modern British Short Stories 2011

The short story has become one of the major forms of modern literary expression - in some ways the most modern of them all'. The story of the British short story since the Second World War is one of change and revolution and this powerful and moving collection brilliantly demonstrates the evolution of the form. Containing thirty-four of the most widely regarded postwar British writers, it features tales of love and crime, comedy and the supernatural, the traditional as well as the experimental. This many-storied, many-splendored collection is a brilliant portrait of the generation of writers who have immediately influenced the brightest, sharpest and most intriguing writers who continue to emerge today


The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse  1977

The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse 1977

This book presents itself as a survey, from the first to the latest, of English-Canadian poetry. The book differs from previous Penguin Anthology, the earlier poets more solidly represented, the periods better balanced. This revised edition, coinciding with Canada's own Centennial, presents a surney of the work done in English by Canadian poets during the past one hundred years.



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