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Маккензи Д., Не кормите психопата. как восстановиться после нездоровых отношений с нарциссами, социопатами и прочими токсичными людьми — 2024
«Что же такое психопат? А нарцисс? Социопат? Они — манипуляторы, напрочь лишенные способности сочувствовать. Они намеренно причиняют боль другим людям и при этом не ощущают никакой вины и не считают себя ответственными. Между тремя этими типами есть некоторая разница, но главное — то, что их отношения с другими людьми развиваются по абсолютно предсказуемому циклу: —идеализировать — обесценить — выкинуть на помойку—. Я не могу помочь вам исправить токсичные отношения, поскольку токсичные люди не меняются. Но вы получите стартовую площадку, где сможете начать все сначала. И могу обещать, что вы снова сможете радоваться. Вы научитесь доверять своей интуиции. Вы обретете мудрость пережившего катастрофу и способность мечтателя кротко изумляться жизни». Международный бестселлер Джексона Маккензи — это первое руководство для тех, кто желает бесповоротно выйти из токсичных отношений, созданное пережившей опыт абьюза жертвой. Книга рассказывает, как преодолеть основные психологические проблемы, восстановиться после горького опыта общения с психопатами и другими разновидностями манипуляторов и построить свою жизнь заново.
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Мак К., Конец всего. 5 сценариев гибели Вселенной с точки зрения астрофизики — 2021 (Большая наука)
Астрофизик Кэти Мак рассматривает пять возможных сценариев конца Вселенной, опираясь на новейшие исследования в области физики и космологии. С одной стороны признание конца Вселенной - это мрачное предположение. Но через юмор, метафоры, личные исследования, автор создала восхитительную книгу, в которой большие идеи современной астрофизики объясняются через призму конца времен.
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Mackenzie L., Arctic ring comics. vol. 5: To the pole star and beyond. adapted from an Evenki traditional story — 2018
Adventurous Evenki hero, Gidalo, wants morethen life on earthcan offer him, so, with the help of his Shamanic grandmother and loyal litle brother, he fids a way to set off in searsh of a new life in the upper world.
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Маккей Ч., Наиболее распространенные заблуждения и безумства толпы — 2018
Книга Чарльза Маккея является подборкой наиболее выдающихся заблуждений и безумств человечества: от финансовых пирамид до религиозных психозов. Она стала классическим трудом о массовых маниях, поведении толпы и человеческой глупости. "Заблуждения" и "безумства", изложенные в книге, относятся к хроническим "болезням" человечества. Финансовые пирамиды, коррумпированность власти, фальсификации и самообман мнимых врачевателей и пророков - все это было, есть и будет.
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Mackintosh C., I see you — 2016
The author of the award winning, smash bestseller, I Let You Go, propels readers into a dark and claustrophobic thriller, in which a normal, everyday woman becomes trapped in the confines of her normal, everyday world... Every morning and evening, Zoe Walker takes the same route to the train station, waits at a certain place on the platform, finds her favorite spot in the car, never suspecting that someone is watching her... It all starts with a classified ad. During her commute home one night, while glancing through her local paper, Zoe sees her own face staring back at her, a grainy photo along with a phone number and listing for a website called findtheone.com. Other women begin appearing in the same ad, a different one every day, and Zoe realizes they've become the victims of increasingly violent crimes — including rape and murder. With the help of a determined cop, she uncovers the ad's twisted purpose... a discovery that turns her paranoia into full-blown panic. For now Zoe is sure that someone close to her has set her up as the next target.
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Маккензи С., Без ума от виконта. роман — 2013 (Шарм)
Чудовищный скандал потряс родовую усадьбу. Леди Джейн Паркер-Рот вступила в схватку с виконтом Эдмундом, которого приняла за грабителя! В пылу сражения они разбили уникальную античную статую, чем вызвали к себе интерес неутомимых лондонских сплетниц, а главное, ухитрились влюбиться друг в друга до безумия. Так начинается удивительная история, полная веселых и опасных приключений и, конечно же, пылкой, головокружительной страсти...
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Шедевры танцевальной музыки: для исполнения на фортепиано и гитаре, а также для голоса с сольными инструментами и аккомпанементом — 2011
Содержание: Аргентинское танго / В. Виллолдо. Ах, мой милый Августин! ( O Du Mein Lieber Augustin!): немецкий вальс / муз. и сл. нар. Амурские волны / М. Кюсс, сл. К. Васильева и С. Попова. Баркарола: из оперетты "Сказки Гофмана"; Канкан: из оперетты "Орфей в аду" / Ж. Оффенбах. Барыня: рус. плясовая. Venus (Венера): шейк: из репертуара группы "Shocking Blue" / Leewen, Aftermatt. Веселый вечер: фокстрот / А. Цфасман. Girl From Ipanema (Девушка из Ипанемы): босса-нова / А. С. Jobim. Гавот / Ф. Госсек. Голубка: самба. Гопак: укр. нар. танец. Jailhouse Rock: rock' n' roll: из репертуара E. Presley / Leiber - Stoller. Испанское болеро. Кабардинская лезгинка. Кадриль: рус. плясовая. Каро: армянский нар. танец. Краковяк: польский нар. танец. Крыжачок: белорус. нар. танец. Кукарача (La Cucaracha): мексиканский нар. танец. Ламбада: бразильский танец / У. Эрмос. Ласточка: армянский нар. танец. Латвийская полька. Лезгинка. Летка- Енка / Р. Лехтинен, сл. М. Пляцковского. Мазурка / И. Беркович. Менуэт / Л. Боккерини. Мой ласковый и нежный зверь: вальс из одноименного кф. / Е. Дога. Молдовеняска: молдавский нар. танец. Песенка о морском дьяволе: из кф. "Человек -амфибия": твист / А. Петров, сл. С. Фогельсона. Полонез / М. К. Огиньский. Путники в ночи ( Strangers in the Night): свинг / B. Kaempfept, C. Singleton. Артист эстрады: регтайм / С. Джоплин. Rock Around The Clock: rock' n' roll: из репертуара "Bill Haley & His Comets" / DeKnight - Freedom. Сиртаки / М. Теодоракис. Сыграй им, Пит ( Roll' Em Pete): boogi-woogi / Дж. Джонсон. Танго ревности / А. Гадэ. Танец цыплят: немецкая полька. Taco's Charleston / C. Mack, J. Johncon. Тарантелла: итальянский нар. танец. Тико-тико: самба / С. Абреу. Фрейлехс, Хава Нагила: еврейские нар. танцы. Цыганочка.Чардаш / В. Монти. Шалахо: азербайджанский нар. танец. Яблочко: матросский танец
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Bachalo C., MARVEL MAGAZINE. Numero 16 (ottobre 1995) — 1995 (Marvel Italia)
Rivista antologica pubblicata da Marvel Italia tra il 1994 e il 1995, Marvel Magazine ha presentato per la prima volta in Italia materiale Marvel di varia provenienza (serie regolari, miniserie, annual e speciali) ma accumunato dai toni molti maturi e da una altissima qualitђ complessiva. I sedici numeri di questa testata mensile hanno infatti ospitato tra gli altri dei veri e propri caposaldi del fumetto americano made in marvel . Tra i titoli pubblicati per esempio figuravano Devil: l'uomo senza paura , una rilettura delle origini del supereroe cieco Dardevil ad opera di Frank Miller per i disegni di John Romita Jr. e Klaus Janson, Marvels , un'organica riproposizione delle storie cruciali dell'Universo Marvel viste dal punto di vista dell'uomo della strada attraverso gli occhi del giornalista e fotografo Phil Sheldon (di Kurt Busiek e Alex Ross) e la run di Cable ad opera del duo Nicieza/Romita Jr. Di sicuro interesse anche le vicende della famiglia Clandestine (di Davis e Farmer), Alfiere (di Ostrander e Pacheco), Shanna (di Jones e Gulacy), Tales to astonish (di David ed Estes), Sachs & Violens (di David e P™rez) e alcune storie degli X-MEN illustrate da John Bolton . Molto ricco anche l'apparato editoriale, con ampi dossier, articoli e interviste
Содержание: Ghost di Mackie/Bachalo. Alfier di Ostander/Pacheco. Shanna di Jones / Gulacy
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Expressionismus — 1986
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Mackenzie A., Hauntings and Apparitions — 1983
Hundred of reports of hauntings have been collected and investigated by the Society for Psychical Research since its founding in 1882.
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Up the Line to Death. The War Poets 1914-1918 — 1980
Up The Line To Death: The War Poets 1914—1918 is a poetry anthology edited by Brian Gardner, and first published in 1964. It was a thematic collection of the poetry of World War I.A significant revisiting of the tradition of the war poet, writing in English, it was backed up by strong biographical research on the poets included. Those were mainly British and Irish combatants of World War I; but there are also Australian, Canadian and American poets. The poems are arranged roughly in chronological order, from the start of the war to the end. Some contemporary poems by major poets not involved in the fighting are also given. The title of the anthology comes from the Siegfried Sassoon poem Base Details.
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Authors Choice 2 — 1976
When all sorts of favourite authors like Joan Aiken, John Christopher, Helen Cresswell, Peter Dickinson, Jill Paton Walsh, Ivan Southall, and lots of others who are marvellous storytellers themselves, choose their own favourite stories by other writers, the result is bound to be really special, and this book certainly is. Animal stories, funny stories, magical stories, historical stories, or science fiction, whatever you like, there's something here for you to enjoy and to lead you in to other kinds you may not have before.
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Mackintosh-Smith T., The travels of IBN Battutah — 2003
Ibn Battutah—ethnographer, bigrapher, anecdotal historian and occasional botanist—was just 21 when he set out in 1325 from his native Tangier on a pilgramage to Mecca. He did not return to Morocco for another 29 years, traveling instead through more than 40 countries on the modern map, covering 75,000 miles and getting as far north as the Volga, as far east as China, and as far south as Tanzania. He wrote of his travels, and comes across as a superb ethnographer, biographer, anecdotal historian, and occasional botanist and gastronome. With this edition by Mackintosh-Smith, Battuta's Travels takes its place alongside other indestructible masterpieces of the travel-writing genre.
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Mackintosh-Smith T., Travels with a tangerine. A journey in the footnotes of Ibn Battutah — 2001
What a fabulous book! Mackintosh-Smith starts with the book of travels dictated by Ibn Battutah, a 14th century from Tangiers who traveled far beyond the boders of the world of Islam of the day. This book traces him through northern Africa, Arabia, Syria, Anatolia, the Crimea and Constantinople. (Apparently he also traveled in central Asia, India, and China.) Mackintosh-Smith—s approach is to travel to a place looking for survivals related to Ibn Battutah—s experiences. He prowls through the local sites recording his conversations with the people he meets in his quest. I believe this was true to the flavor of Ibn Battutah—s book, but it also allows Mackintosh-Smith to put the past into juxtaposition with the present, with interesting results. He never fails to find survivals from Battutah—s time. The effect is something like rummaging through a very dark attic crowded with bric-a-brac with a very bright but narrow-beamed flashlight. Mackintosh-Smith seems to be extremely knowledgeable about medieval Islamic literature and history, and uses it to explain and entertain. At the same time he is a highly entertaining author. More than a few times I found myself laughing out loud. (Remember how they were —keeping the Sunni side up— in— was it the mosque in Damascus?) Mackintosh-Smith himself becomes a central object of speculation. He says relatively little about himself except to elucidate some Battutah-related point or experience, but you have to wonder about someone who chooses to live 17 years in Sana—a, is obsessed with Islamic culture, but chooses to remain a stolid Anglican in spite of regular friendly, well-meaning Islamic persuasion. This tension informs his discussion of the culture where so many religions and sects coexist, sometimes uneasily. People refer to him several times through the book as an Orientalist, and he calls himself an Arabist at one point. I look forward to Edward Said—s book for further considerations. (
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Маккензи А., Ловушка времени. классическое пособие по тайм-менеджменту — 2015
Книга по тайм-менеджменту на все времена, которая помогла бесчисленным читателям оптимизировать свой рабочий день и проводить его с максимальной продуктивностью. Основана на многолетних исследованиях. В ней есть интервью, полезные инструменты, советы по применению технологий для роста продуктивности.
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![Мак Г., Гюстав Курбе. [Пер. с англ.] — 1986 (Жизнь в искусстве)](/searchcat/covers/RGUB-BIBL-0000791439.jpg) |
Мак Г., Гюстав Курбе. [Пер. с англ.] — 1986 (Жизнь в искусстве)
Книга о творчестве известного французского живописца XIX столетия Гюстава Курбе написана американским искусствоведом, изучившим и привлекшим большой документальный и архивный материал. Поданная в достаточно популярной манере монография содержит в то же время исчерпывающий материал о жизни и творчестве крупнейшего художника Франции
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Kantor M., If The South Had Won The Civil War — 2001
The Past is a strange place indeed... everything could have been so different so easily. Just a touch here and a tweak there... MacKinlay Kantor, Pulitzer Price-winning author and master storyteller, shows us how the South could have won the Civil War: how two small shifts in history (as we know it) in the summer of 1863 could have turned the tide for the Confederacy. What would have happened to the Union, to Abraham Lincoln, to the people of the North and South, to the world? If the South Had Won the Civil War originally appeared in Look magazine nearly half a century ago. It immediately inspired a deluge of letters and telegrams from astonished readers, and became an American Classic overnight. Published in book form soon after, Kantor's masterpiece has been unavailable for a decade. Now, this much requested classic is once again available for a new generation of readers, and features a stunning cover by acclaimed Civil War artist Don Troiani, a new introductionby award-winning alternate history author Harry Turtledove, and fifteen superb illustrations by the incomparable Dan Nance. It all begins on that fateful afternoon of Tuesday, May 12, 1863, when a deplorable equestrian accident claims the life of General Ulysses S. Grant...
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Mackie J.D., A History of Scotland — 1984 (Pelican Books)
A remarkable history of a nation
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The Literature of World War II — 2009 (Cambridge)
The literature of World War II has emerged as an accomplished, moving, and challenging body of work, produced by writers as different as Norman Mailer and Virginia Woolf, Primo Levi and Ernest Hemingway, Jean-Paul Sartre and W. H. Auden. This Companion provides a comprehensive overview of the international literatures of the war: both those works that recorded or reflected experiences of the war as it happened, and those that tried to make sense of it afterwards. It surveys the writing produced in the major combatant nations (Britain and the Commonwealth, the USA, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, and the USSR), and explores its common themes. With its chronology and guide to further reading, it will be an invaluable source of information and inspiration for students and scholars of modern literature and war studies.
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Ewing E., History of 20th Century Fashion — 2009
A History of 20th Century Fashion charts the early dominance of couture to the influences of street culture. The narrative is based on a firm understanding of social, economic and technical developments all over the world, and emphasizes the commercial organization of the industry, from designer and textile manufacturer right through to the consumer. Over 100 b/w and 50 colour illustrations bring the history of fashion to life.
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