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Njrman P., John Lennon. The Life — 2008

Njrman P., John Lennon. The Life — 2008

Recently my wife and I were in a shopping mall in Africa and went into a music store. Up on a massive flat screen TV was an advert for the recently issued remastered Beatles LP collection.Then we went into a computer store only to be confronted by a Beatles drum kit, plastic Hofner Bass and, and a store assistant lost in concentration, in front of a large monitor, trying to play —Revolution— on the Beatles Rock Band game.Isn—t it strange that in Africa, nearly 50 years after their first hit, the Beatles have a strong place in peoples— affections? No, it—s not just marketing and money making. There—s something about this incredible band that continues to appeal, decade after decade.This new biography of John Lennon by Philip Norman is a very swift read. It may be 850 pages but you don—t notice that, as you are drawn into the life of one of the so called legends of modern music.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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