Norman D., Dinosaurs — 2005 (Very short introductions. 128)
Our fascination with dinosaurs seems endless, fuelled by popular films and documentaries that claim to accurately bring these creatures to life. But how reliable are these reconstructions? Do they really reflect new discoveries or the latest research into the world of dinosaurs?
English Poetry. 1918-60 — 1983 (The Penguin Poets)
This collection now contains 175 poems by 86 poets and ranges chronologically from W.B.Yeats to Geoffrey Hill.The character of the anthology can be simply indicated.It is a representative collection of English verse written between 1918 and 1960.The present collection, which was first published under the title THE PENGUIN BOOK OF CONTEMPORARY VERSE in 1950 and has been frequently reprinted, has been widely acclaimed and remains one of the best known and most constantly used anthologies of modern poetry to have appeared
The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse. 1918-60 — 1977
The present collection, which was first published in 1950 and has been reprinted seventeen times, has been widely acclaimed and remains one of the best known and most constantly used anthologies of modern poetry to have appeared.
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