Pyle H., The Story of King Arthur and His Knights — 2006
The thrilling and timeless legend, masterfully illustrated. The story of the incomparable Arthur, the lovely Guinevere, the wicked Morgana le Fey, and the magical Merlin has enthralled and delighted readers for centuries.
Pyle H., The Adventures of Robin Hood — s.a. (First Illustrated Classics)
Robin Hood and his Merry Men live again in these pages. Here are the traditional tales of the bold outlaw who robbed the rich to pay the poor, the outlaw whose feud with the Sheriff of Nottingham lives on through the ages, the outlaw who became a trusted Earl at the court of Richard the Lionheart. Hear again the shill notes of Robin's horn as he summons his Merry Men and meet these Merry Men who chose to live their lives in freedom and companionship.
Pyle H., The Adventures of Robin Hood — s.a. (First Illustrated Classics)
"The Adventures of Robin Hood" by Howard Pyle, full of action-packed adventure, tells the story of an outlaw named Robin Hood who lived in Sherwood Forest. In this timeless classic, Robin Hood and his "Merry Men" stole from the rich to help the poor. Unfortunately for them, the sheriff of Nottingham didn't appreciate their good will. Howard Pyle was the first modern writer to collect all the Robin Hood ballads that had come down from the medieval era and structure them as stories. Every version of Robin Hood since Pyle's time has drawn on this book as a major source. As a result, reading Pyle's "The Adventures of Robin Hood" is the best way to understand why the minor characters in Kevin Costner's "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves" are named things like "Will Scarlet" or "Much the Miller's Son." Because Howard Pyle is known better as an illustrator than a writer, the original illustrations by Pyle are included in this book. Though black and white, Pyle's illustrations are immensely rich and detailed, and as full of period accuracy and background research as his writing. Reading Pyle's book without his illustrations is like watching an Oscar-winning film with the screen blacked out-and this version does include facsimile's of Pyle's original drawings which illustrate the story so well.
Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке — 2009
Книга адресована юным читателям, которые любят чудеса и приключения, в ней представлены произведения Оскара Уайльда из серии сказок "Гранатовый домик", Френсис Элизы Бёрнетт "Таинственный сад", Джорджа Макдональда "На спине Северного Ветра", Ховарда Пайла "Веселые приключения Робина Гуда". Здесь ребята смогут не только применить свои знания английского языка, но и познакомиться с новыми интересными героями произведений английской литературы.
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