Degirmen Sabahattin Ali'nin ilk hikaye kitabidir. Bu ilk denemeler arasinda ask tema olarak baskindir. Duygulu ve hayalci anlatimina temiz bir dil eslik eder. Ayni zamanda gercekci, toplumcu bir tavir da sezilir. Insani ve dogayi ici ice belirleyen o guclu anlatimin ilk ornekleri Degirmen'de belirmeye baslar.
From China to Chile, Africa to North America -- science fiction from all four corners of the globe and beyond.... Each story in this volume is dramatically different, vividly 'other'. The mystery of the disappearing lunatics, a clever computer crime, a semi-anthropological legend from Japan, erotic fantasy...the choice is yours: spoil yourself with this galactic confection -- as delicious as it is diverse.
Содержание: The Half-wit of Xeenemuende/J.Nesvadba (Czechoslovakia)/Alter Ego/H.Correa (Chile)/A Perfect Marriage/A.Carneiro (Brazil)/The Legend of the PaperSpaceship/T.Yano (Japan)/Small World/B.Shaw (Great Britain)/The Whore of Babylon/L.Zeldis (Iarael)/Cost of Living/R.Sheckley (U.S.A.)/Night Broadcast/I.Hobana (Romania)/A Perfect Christmas Evening/K.Fialkowski(Poland)/A Meeting in Georgestown/J.Bing (Norway)/Victims of Time/B.S.Rao (India)/Myxomatosis Forte/B.Martensson (Sweden)/BCO Equipment/K.M.Armer (West Germany)/Six Matches/A.&B.Strugatsky (U.S.S.R.)/The Ring/G.Hudec (Yogoslavia)/"Oh, Lenore!" Came the Echo/C.M.Federici (Uruguay)/Quo Vadis, Francisco?/L.Aldani (Italy)/Forward, Mankind!/L.Dilov (Bulgaria)/The Mirror Image of the Earth/Z.Wenguang (China)/The New Prehistory/R.Robetez-Cortes (Colombia)/Equality/Q.K.Yu (Singapore)/Rising Sun/P.Lengyel (Hungary)/The Lens/A.van Ewyck (Holland)/Progenitor/P.Curval (France)/The Cage/B.Chandler (Australia)/An Imaginary Journey to the Moon/V.Sabah (Ghana)/
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