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Найдено печатных изданий: 10

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Medieval and Renaissance Poets. Langland to Spenser — 1978 (Poets of the English Language)

Medieval and Renaissance Poets. Langland to Spenser — 1978 (Poets of the English Language)

The poetry in this volume represents that portion of the great poetry of Christendom that was written in English--at first in Middle English, but soon in our own tongue--from the fourteenth century through most of the sixteenth. Its beginnings in the Middle Ages have special meaningfulness for us today, when we are beset by the need to rediscover the unity that was then felt between man and society, feeling and intellect. In the development of allegory, particularly, we find one of its characteristic modes. Following on through these wide-ranging selections, we get an illuminating view of the pre-Shakespearean poetic temper, when verse was universally the popular medium for instruction and entertainment. In addition to Auden s brilliant introduction to the period, this volume contains a helpful guide to the poems in Middle English, and footnote glossaries of unfamiliar words.

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Skelton T., Luxembour. The Bradt Travel Guide — 2012 (Bradt Travel Guides)

Skelton T., Luxembour. The Bradt Travel Guide — 2012 (Bradt Travel Guides)

This is the only English-language guidebook to focus exclusively on the world's only Grand Duchy, home to the rolling forests of the Ardennes, hill-top medieval castles and one of Europe's smallest wine-growing regions. From first-class accommodation and Michelin-starred restaurants, to hiking and youth hostelling, this thoroughly updated edition gives tips to suit every taste and budget. Expanded coverage includes new cycling and walking routes, accommodation, restaurants, museums and regional food. Luxembourg City continues to evolve, with at least four new hotels, an entirely new nightlife district, and several recently-refurbished museums. Across the country, renovated chateau are opening up as exclusive hotels, the number of Michelin-starred restaurants is increasing dramatically and locally grown food and drink is being promoted. There are new sections on the banking industry and on day trips to neighbouring countries

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Poetry of the Forties — 1987

Poetry of the Forties — 1987

The Forties were a decade which began with war and ended with a social revolution. It was, writes Robin Skelton in his introduction, a period of crisis and transition, and the poetry of the decade is filled with themes of uncertainty and romance.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Poetry of the Thirties — 1977

Poetry of the Thirties — 1977

Auden, Day, Lewis, Spender, MacNeice and the other key poets of the Thirties were children of the First World War, obsessed by war and by communalism, by the class-struggle and a passionate belief in poets as people whose actions are as publically important as their poems.For them, the Spanish Civil War epitomized the mood of the times, as their symbolic obsessions were transmuted into tragic reality. But from within their strongly defined unity of ideals, an astonishingly varied body of poetry emerged. Robin Skelton has arranged the poetry to make an illuminating —critical essay— of the period, and in his introduction he brilliantly probes the moods and mores of an intensely troubled and creative decade.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Skelton C.L., The Maclarens — 1994

Skelton C.L., The Maclarens — 1994

Like his father before him, Andrew Maclaren was born to lead the 148th Foot. But his life changed forever when he found Maud Westburn raped and homeless in the horror of the Indian mutiny. Society decreed that he give her up. But his heart insisted that he keep her... The Maclarens is the first part of a compelling series which traces the fortunes of a family and a regiment - a novel of a passionate love and ultimate sacrifice.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Skelton B., Encyclopedie du cheval et des sports equestres — 1977

Skelton B., Encyclopedie du cheval et des sports equestres — 1977

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse — 1977

The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse — 1977

This book presents itself as a survey, from the first to the latest, of English-Canadian poetry. The book differs from previous Penguin Anthology, the earlier poets more solidly represented, the periods better balanced. This revised edition, coinciding with Canada's own Centennial, presents a surney of the work done in English by Canadian poets during the past one hundred years.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Skelton A.S., A Murderous Innocence — 1994

Skelton A.S., A Murderous Innocence — 1994

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Skelton C.L., Sweethearts and Wives — 1994

Skelton C.L., Sweethearts and Wives — 1994

The new generation serving with Scotland's proudest Regiment are destined to lead a life of action every bit as far-flung and exciting as their fathers'. For Donald Bruce, this turbulent time begins when he is unable to order the death of one of his own men; for Ian Maclaren, when he falls in love with the illegitimate half-caste Naomi, beautiful, sensual, forbidden. From the burning deserts of the Sudan to the infinite veldt of South Africa, from the windswept Highlands to fashionable London, this is a story of blood and battle, of love and passion, of Sweethearts and Wives. This is the second part of a powerful series which follows the Regiment through fifty years of unforgettable history.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Skelton A.S., A Murderous Innocence — 1994

Skelton A.S., A Murderous Innocence — 1994

Born in a mock-gothic castle to a charismatic charlatan and a beautiful heiress, Justina's idyllic Victorian childhood was only distantly shadowed by the Boer War. But her golden youth spent on the coast of Scotland and in the great houses of Ireland, was soon to be shattered by the urgent realities of the Twentieth Century. Justina and her generation dreamt of love, of fame, of fulfilment: but violence loomed - first in France, in 1914, then in Dublin in 19 19. An artist, a feminist, a woman of passion and pride, Justina Bride Melrose's story mirrors the story of modern European history... Alison Scott Skelton brilliantly portrays an indomitable woman's search for truth, honour and greatness as the guns boom - and innocence fails.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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