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Найдено печатных изданий: 1

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Zittrain J., The Future of the Internet. And How to Stop It — 2009 (Internet Guides & Online Services, Computer Science, Ethical & social aspects of IT, Legal aspects of IT, Science: General Issues)

Zittrain J., The Future of the Internet. And How to Stop It — 2009 (Internet Guides & Online Services, Computer Science, Ethical & social aspects of IT, Legal aspects of IT, Science: General Issues)

In The Future of the Internet: And How to Stop It Jonathan Zittrain explores the dangers the internet faces if it fails to balance ever more tightly controlled technologies with the flow of innovation that has generated so much progress in the field of technology. Zittrain argues that todays technological market is dominated by two contrasting business models: the generative and the non-generative. The generative models - the PCs, Windows and Macs of this world - allow third parties to build upon and share through them.The non-generative model is more restricted; appliances such as the xbox, iPod and tomtom might work well, but the only entity that can change the way they operate is the vendor. If we want the internet to survive we need to change. People must wake up to the risk or we could lose everything

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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