Joe Bodenland, a 21st century American, passes through a timeslip and finds himself with Byron and Shelley in the famous villa on the shore of Lake Geneva. More fantastically, he finds himself face to face with a real Frankenstein, a doppelganger inhabiting a complex world where fact and fiction may as easily have congress as Bodenland himself manages to make love to Mary Shelley.
From China to Chile, Africa to North America -- science fiction from all four corners of the globe and beyond.... Each story in this volume is dramatically different, vividly 'other'. The mystery of the disappearing lunatics, a clever computer crime, a semi-anthropological legend from Japan, erotic fantasy...the choice is yours: spoil yourself with this galactic confection -- as delicious as it is diverse.
Содержание: The Half-wit of Xeenemuende/J.Nesvadba (Czechoslovakia)/Alter Ego/H.Correa (Chile)/A Perfect Marriage/A.Carneiro (Brazil)/The Legend of the PaperSpaceship/T.Yano (Japan)/Small World/B.Shaw (Great Britain)/The Whore of Babylon/L.Zeldis (Iarael)/Cost of Living/R.Sheckley (U.S.A.)/Night Broadcast/I.Hobana (Romania)/A Perfect Christmas Evening/K.Fialkowski(Poland)/A Meeting in Georgestown/J.Bing (Norway)/Victims of Time/B.S.Rao (India)/Myxomatosis Forte/B.Martensson (Sweden)/BCO Equipment/K.M.Armer (West Germany)/Six Matches/A.&B.Strugatsky (U.S.S.R.)/The Ring/G.Hudec (Yogoslavia)/"Oh, Lenore!" Came the Echo/C.M.Federici (Uruguay)/Quo Vadis, Francisco?/L.Aldani (Italy)/Forward, Mankind!/L.Dilov (Bulgaria)/The Mirror Image of the Earth/Z.Wenguang (China)/The New Prehistory/R.Robetez-Cortes (Colombia)/Equality/Q.K.Yu (Singapore)/Rising Sun/P.Lengyel (Hungary)/The Lens/A.van Ewyck (Holland)/Progenitor/P.Curval (France)/The Cage/B.Chandler (Australia)/An Imaginary Journey to the Moon/V.Sabah (Ghana)/
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