Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television
Год издания:
1 электрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) (85 мин.)
Возрастные ограничения:
The eighth season of Friends picks up just moments after Monica and Chandler said «I do». The only thing to have changed (once again) is Mathew Perry’s weight, otherwise all is very much business as usual: Phoebe makes Rachel’s secret pregnancy more complicated; Ross manages to look totally uncool in front of someone he fancies; Joey will do anything for an acting gig; and Chandler blames his two left feet on a new pair of shoes. All of which was so much fluff to set up the year’s primary concern: Rachel’s baby. Everyone starts speculating on the identity of the father during «The One With the Red Sweater», which is an incriminating clue from a one-night stand
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