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 The Rolling Stones: Charlie is My Darling - Ireland 1965 (2012)
The Rolling Stones: Charlie is My Darling - Ireland 1965 (2012)
Тип носителя:
Место издания:
New York
Because Entertainment, Inc.
Год издания:
1 электрон. опт. диск (Blu-ray Disc) (65 мин.)
ABKCO Films presents a meticulously restored and fully-realized version of this first-ever, legendary, but never released film. Shot during a quick tour of Ireland just weeks after (I Can t Get No) Satisfaction hit # 1 on the charts, The Rolling Stones Charlie is my Darling — Ireland 1965 is an intimate, behind-the-scenes diary of life on the road with the young Stones. It features the first professionally filmed concert performances of the band and documents the early frenzy of their fans and the riots the band s appearances inspired. The band is shown traveling through the Irish countryside by train; dashing from cabs to cramped, basement dressing rooms through screaming hordes of fans. Motel rooms host impromptu songwriting sessions and familiar classics are heard in their infancy as riff and lyric are united. Charlie is my Darling is the invaluable frame that captures the spark about to combust into The Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World. The Rolling Stones Charlie is my Darling — Ireland 1965 Blu-ray incorporates the new 2012 version of the film as well as the director s cut and producer s cut, plus significant unseen additional performance and other footage shot in Dublin and Belfast in September of 1965

Размеры издания:
12 см., в контейнере 17х14 cм.

Местонахождение издания:
Библиографическое описание

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