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 The Ramayana
The Ramayana
Тип носителя:
Место издания:
New Delhi
S.Chand & Company
Год издания:
137 p.
Indian classics, be they ancient, medieval or modern, are the precious life-line of every true Indian. They are a treasure-house of wisdom, understanding and entertainment. For this reason, every Indian interested in his own culture seeks to go back to them. The present series is an attempt to fulfil this need. Starting with the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata and moving on to the works of Mahakavi Kalidas and other writers of note, this series strives to present Sanskrit and Hindi classics in simple, readable English. The series depicts well known Indian classics in a condensed form and simple English. Explanatory notes and exercises are given at the end of each book. The series is most suitable to serve as supplementary readers for middle and higher classes.

Размеры издания:
21 cм.

Местонахождение издания:
Библиографическое описание

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