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 Adventures in American Literature
Другие авторы:
smith edgar valentine
daly thimas Augustine
Lardner Ring W.
irving washington
hawthorne nathaniel
Poe Edgar Allan
Harte Francis Bret
aldrich thomas bailey
stockton frank richard
bierce ambrose
O henry
London jack
wharton edith
montague margaret prescott
suckow ruth
steele wilbur daniel
doren carl van
irving washington
irving washington
emerson ralph waldo
emerson ralph waldo
thoreau henry david
james william
dyke henry van
white william allen
beebe william
eaton walter prichard
fisher dorothy canfield
morley christopher
kruif paul de
franklin benjamin
page thomas nelson
bradford gamaliel
twain mark
garland hamlin
roosevelt theodore
steffens lincoln
freneau philip
freneau philip
bryant william cullen
bryant william cullen
bryant william cullen
emerson ralph waldo
emerson ralph waldo
emerson ralph waldo
emerson ralph waldo
emerson ralph waldo
emerson ralph waldo
whittier john greenleaf
whittier john greenleaf
whittier john greenleaf
whittier john greenleaf
longfellow henry wadsworth
longfellow henry wadsworth
longfellow henry wadsworth
longfellow henry wadsworth
longfellow henry wadsworth
longfellow henry wadsworth
longfellow henry wadsworth
holmes oliver wendell
holmes oliver wendell
holmes oliver wendell
holmes oliver wendell
holmes oliver wendell
lowell james russell
lowell james russell
lowell james russell
poe edgar allan
poe edgar allan
poe edgar allan
poe edgar allan
poe edgar allan
whitman walt
whitman walt
whitman walt
whitman walt
whitman walt
whitman walt
whitman walt
whitman walt
whitman walt
timrod henry
timrod henry
hayne paul hamilton
hayne paul hamilton
hayne paul hamilton
ryan abram j.
lanier sidney
lanier sidney
lanier sidney
lanier sidney
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
dickinson emily
sill edward rowland
sill edward rowland
miller john
miller john
riley james whitcome
field eugene
field eugene
carman bliss
carman bliss
hovey richard
hovey richard
markham edwin
markham edwin
markham edwin
robinson edwin arlington
robinson edwin arlington
robinson edwin arlington
robinson edwin arlington
robinson edwin arlington
lowell amy
lowell amy
lowell amy
lowell amy
frost robert
frost robert
frost robert
frost robert
frost robert
frost robert
frost robert
masters edgar lee
masters edgar lee
masters edgar lee
masters edgar lee
masters edgar lee
masters edgar lee
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
sandburg carl
lindsay vachel
lindsay vachel
lindsay vachel
teasdale sara
teasdale sara
teasdale sara
teasdale sara
teasdale sara
teasdale sara
teasdale sara
wylie elinor
wylie elinor
wylie elinor
wylie elinor
wylie elinor
millay edna st. vincent
millay edna st. vincent
millay edna st. vincent
millay edna st. vincent
millay edna st. vincent
seeger alan
Daly Thimas Augustine
neihardt john g.
neihardt john g.
untermeyer louis
untermeyer louis
untermeyer louis
untermeyer louis
benet stephen vincent
benet stephen vincent
crane nathalia
tarkington booth
kelly george
o neill eugene
stevens james
harris joel chandler
irving washington
holmes oliver wendell
holmes oliver wendell
ward artemus
twain mark
Harte Francis Bret
bunner henry cuyler
ade george
leacock stephen
guiterman arthur
Adventures in American Literature
Тип носителя:
Место издания:
New York
Harcourt, Brace and company
Год издания:
1217 p.
This new edition of Adventures in American Literature is one of five books which make up the ADVENTURES series for the senior high school. The editors have put their best thought and effort into this revision. They have consulted numerous teachers who have been teaching the text, and have received many valuable suggestions as to pruming weakness and preserving strength

Размеры издания:
20 cм.

Местонахождение издания:
Библиографическое описание

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