Kutikuti is the most famous phenomenon in the Finnish cartoon field. Since its founding, the association of artists from an association of professionals in the field has been a pioneer of the Finnish contemporary artwork. The Tempora Mutantur anthology celebrates Kutik in the tenth century. It brings together the current members of the association, presenting new comic works by a total of 38 authors. A large and colorful entity shines through the variety of Finnish cartoon styles and teller tales. Authors: Sami Aho, Mari Ahokoivu, Benjamin Bergman, Heta Bilaletdin, Terhi Ekebom, Roope Eronen, Matti Hagelberg, Jyrki Heikkinen, Mikko Huusko, Ville Kallio, Jan Konsin, Leo Kuikka, Reijo Kärkkäinen, Jarno Latva-Nikkola, Tiina Lehikoinen, Mikko Lucifer, Aapo Rapi, Kati Rapia, Hannele Richert, Heikki Rönkkö, Anna Sailama, Kari Sihvonen, Katri Sipiläinen, Eeva Meltio, Hanneriina Moisseinen, Pauliina Mäkelä, Lauri Mäkimurto, Tommi Musturi, Reetta Niemensivu, Jyrki Nissinen, Katja Tukiainen, Riitta Uusitalo, Jari Vaara, Emmi Valve, Amanda Vähämäki & Mikko Väyrynen