Джеймс М. Р., Комната с призраками — 2022 (Библиотека Лавкрафта)
Монтегю Родс Джеймс - крупнейший в мировой литературе автор "рассказов о привидениях". Историк средневековья и английской культуры, он сформировал канон ghost story и создал самые блестящие образцы в этом жанре. Его наследием восторгались Лавкрафт и Борхес, а первые экранизации его текстов относятся к середине прошлого века. Тайны старинных усадеб, загадочные послания из мира мертвых, зашифрованные древние знания - вот темы рассказов Джеймса, виртуозного маэстро ужаса—
Содержание: Альбом каноника Альберика ; Потерянные сердца ; Меццо-тинто ; Ясень ; Номер 13 ; Граф Магнус ; "Ты свистни, тебя не заставлю я ждать..." ; Сокровище аббата Фомы ; Школьная история ; Розарий ; Рунические ставы ; Трактат Миддот ; Хор Барчестерского собора ; Мартиново подворье ; Преступные намеренья вещей
This collection contains works by such writers as Poe, Hawthorne, Gaskell, Dickens and M. R. James, alongside that of anonymous authors from Britain to America. It brings together stories from the earliest decades of Gothic writing with later 19th and early 20th century tales.
...it is an universal phenomenon of our nature that the mournful, the fearful, even the horrible, allures with irresistible enchantment. - Chaucer Burr, Memoir, 1850. The Wordsworth Book of Horror Stories is a superb collection of some of the greatest tales of the genre, many are classics while others are lesser-known gems unearthed from this vintage era of the supernatural
Collings R., Classic Victorian & Edwardian Ghost Stories — 1996 (Tales of Mystery & the Supernatural Series)
This is a book to be read by a blazing fire on a winter's night, with the curtains drawn close and the doors securely locked. The unquiet souls of the dead, both as fictional creations and as 'real' apparitions, roam the pages of this haunting new selection of ghost stories by Rex Collings.Some of these stories are classics while others are lesser-known gems unearthed from this vintage era of tales of the supernatural. There are stories from distant lands - 'Fisher's Ghost' by John Lang is set in Australia and 'A Ghostly Manifestation' by 'A Clergyman' is set in Calcutta. In this selection, Sir Walter Scott (a Victorian in spirit if not in fact), keeps company with Edgar Allen Poe, Sheridan Le Fanu and other illustrious masters of the genre.
This new edition of Adventures in American Literature is one of five books which make up the ADVENTURES series for the senior high school. The editors have put their best thought and effort into this revision. They have consulted numerous teachers who have been teaching the text, and have received many valuable suggestions as to pruming weakness and preserving strength
Classic Victorian and Edwardian Ghost Stories — 1996 (Wordsworth Classics)
This is a book to be read by a blazing fire of a winter's evening, with the curtains drawn and the doors locked. The unquiet souls of the dead roam the pages of this haunting new selection by Rex Collings of ghost stories both as fictional creations and as 'real' apparitions. Some of these stories are classics and others are lesser-known gems unearthed from this vintage era for tales of the supernatural. There are stories from distant lands - Fisher's Ghost by John Lang is set in Australia and A Ghostly Manifestation by 'A Clergyman' is set in Calcutta. Sir Walter Scott keeps company in this selection with Edgar Allen Poe, Sheridan Le Fanu and other illustrious masters of the genre.
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры «Российская государственная библиотека для молодёжи»
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107023 Москва, ул. Электрозаводская, 12, стр. 1 Метро «Электрозаводская» Телефоны для справок: +7 499 670-80-01 (доб. 600) E-mail: mansion@rgub.ru